Blog | Comparing Preserved Moss; textures, appearance and key features | All InSeason Australia

Author: Ader Broersen  Date Posted:6 March 2024 

This article will describe the different types of Moss and some of its key product features.

Our popular preserved moss is back in stock, and we have news for you! In addition to the familiar Reindeer Moss, also known as ‘Lichen’, we added three new types of moss to the range. This article will describe the different types of Moss and some of its key product features.


In this article we will compare the four different types of preserved moss, with the aim of helping you to make an informed decision when it comes to deciding what types of moss works best for you. The four types we will be discussing are:

·       Lichen / Reindeer Moss | Cladonia Stellaris

·       Flat Moss | Hypnum Cupressiforme

·       Ball Moss | Leucobryum Glaucum

·       Hair Moss | Dicranum Scoparium


The different types of preserved moss have uniquely different textures. The reindeer Moss has a soft and spongy feel to it, and some might even call it a velvet feel. Flat moss has a delicate and feathery texture. Ball moss, as the name suggests, are light, fluffy green balls, while hair moss is different again, with a fine, hairlike texture.


In appearance, the reindeer moss resembles miniature green cushions. Flat moss are more low, spreading mats, while ball moss are round clusters. Hair moss is thin and has thread-like strands.


Preserved moss is fragrance-free and clean, requires zero maintenance and is for decorative purposes only. The moss is also fireproof. Often preserved mosses are glued to a fireproof plywood to create a decorative wall. Our supplier, Canopy, has done extensive testing and results for the four preserved mosses discussed in this article. All of them have "not inflammable" properties. Tests were conducted under French standard NF P 92-501, which is recognized internationally. Furthermore, the reindeer moss has European certification EN13501-1


Like dried and preserved flowers, the quality of preserved moss is best maintained when they are kept out of direct sunlight to prevent the colour from fading. They should also be stored in a dry place, avoiding high humidity, as extreme environments could cause mould growth.


We hope this article helps you to make an informed decision on choosing the preserved Moss that works best for you. Please check out our complete preserved Moss range, including product videos, and let us know in the comments below if you thought this blog post was helpful. We would love to hear your thoughts.

About the author

Ader Broersen – Ader is Co-owner, Marketing & Sales Director at All InSeason Australia & New Zealand | 20+ years of experience in the agricultural/flower industry both in Holland and Australia with a passion for flowers.

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